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  • In 2000, the China-Africa relationship was further strengthened with the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). The FOCAC offers a platform for consultation and cooperation mechanisms aimed at deepening diplomatic, security, trade and investment relations between China and African countries. Later came the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, an international trade network initiated by China that connects the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa. The BRI focuses on the following key areas: cultural exchange; policy coordination; facilities connectivity; trade and investment; and financial integration. The BRI shares development objectives similar to those of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fact, the BRI implements part of the SDGs and provides a practical mechanism to strengthen the Sino-Africa relationship, which Africa can leverage to meet its Sustainable Goals. Africa is linked through the “Road” of the BRI plan and has received infrastructural projects funded by China to facilitate trade and integration of the national economies along the trading route. Through the establishment of Economic and Trade Zones which attracts investments from Chinese companies, and building infrastructures such as sea ports and railways, China through the BRI framework is helping Africa meet UN SGD Goal 9 concerning industry, innovation and infrastructure. A practical effect is that the BRI is helping African countries overcome the infrastructure gap, create jobs, acquire skills and promote integration between countries.

  • In Southeast Asia, males of the Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens have been selected across centuries for paired-staged fights. During the selection process, matched for size males fight in a small tank until the contest is resolved. Breeders discard losing batches and reproduce winner batches with the aim of increasing fight performance. We assessed the results of this long-term selection process by comparing under standard laboratory conditions male and female aggressive behaviour of one strain selected for staged fights (“fighters”) and one strain of wild-types. The aggressive response of adult fish was tested against their mirror image or a size-matched conspecific. Fighter males were more aggressive than wild-type males for all measured behaviours. Differences were not only quantitative but the pattern of fight display was also divergent. Fighter males had an overall higher swimming activity, performing frequent fast strikes in the direction of the intruder and displaying from a distance. Wild-type males were less active and exhibited aggressive displays mostly in close proximity to the stimuli. Females of the fighter strain, which are not used for fights, were also more aggressive than wild-type females. Aggressive behaviours were correlated across male and female fighter siblings, suggesting common genetic and physiological mechanisms to male and female aggression in this species. The study further shows that results were largely independent of the stimulus type, with the mirror test inducing similar and less variable responses than the live conspecific presentation. These results suggest that selection for male winners co-selected for high-frequency and metabolic demanding aggressive display in males and also enhanced female aggression, opening a wide range of testable hypothesis about the ultimate and proximate mechanisms of male and female aggression in B. splendens.

  • Este trabalho consiste numa análise multimodal das estratégias discursivas de Bernie Sanders e Hillary Clinton num excerto de um debate sobre as benesses dadas pela senadora norte americana aos bancos no pós-crise económica global de 2008. Bernie Sanders e Hillary Clinton evidenciaram uma linguagem corporal diferente, tanto na posição de locutor como na de interlocutor. No entanto, mesmo utilizando estratégias de comunicação verbal e física diferentes, os gestos utilizados enquadram-se no campo dos gestos recorrentemente observados em figuras políticas em estudos feitos por outros autores. Reforça-se assim a ideia de que os gestos em questão são regularmente utilizados por figuras políticas.

  • In Macao, Special Autonomous Region of China, there are two professional codes of journalists: one by the Portuguese and English Press Association of Macao and the other by the Macao Journalists’ Association, and there is no regulator in the territory or anyone who administers the rules or sanctions the journalists activity. here’s also no cases of known or reported censorship. However, according to the latest human rights report for this small region of Asia, “the Government has taken steps to limit the coverage of unfavorable news”, admitting the practice of self-censorship by the media.

Last update from database: 5/17/24, 1:25 PM (UTC)