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"Abstract The core concept of drama education is the integration and int- ernalization of experience. In the empirical content of the improvis- ational drama, it lays a profound foreshadowing for future life prac- tice through different physical behaviors and facial perceptions. Through drama education, children with autism spectrum disorder can be emotionally adjusted. Emotional and social behavior is essent- ial for children with autism spectrum disorders. The use of improvis- ational drama to study children's emotions with autism spectrum diso- rders is not yet found in Macau. Therefore, this study aimed to inve- stigate the intervention strategies for children with autism spectrum disorders through improvisational drama to fill the research gap. A case study of emotional interventions as a ten-day improvisa- tional drama with an autism spectrum disorder in Macau. The following findings were obtained: 1. The study found that improvisational drama was used to address the theoretica deficits of the mind of children with autism spectrum disorders. 2. Improvisational drama supports the understanding of self-emotions in children with autism spectrum disorder with positive behavior. 3. Shared attention cultivated by improvisational drama can develop social interaction behavior. 4. The improvisational drama techniques can deal with children with autism spectrum disorder and peer conflict. Based on these results, the researcher identified three main is sues in the use of improvisational drama to deal with the emotions of VII children with autism spectrum disorders in Macau: 1. The relative lack of knowledge on the use of improvisational drama as a strategy to support children with autism in Macau. 2. The number of hours and sessions of the Macao training course is too small to be satisfied with frontline teachers' use of improvi- sational drama to provide quality teaching to children with an au- tism spectrum disorder. 3. Failing to understand the emotional needs of children with autism frontline teachers must practice improvisational drama teaching, failing to understand it’s core subjects in depth. Therefore, researchers on the emotions of children with an aut- ism spectrum disorder in improvisational drama. The proposal is divi- ded into three main areas, which are proposed to the government, sch- ools, and teachers: I. Suggestions to the government: 1. Improve the special education policy 2. Increase the number of training courses II. Suggestions for schools: 1. Increase the teaching content of the curriculum for children wi- th autism spectrum disorders III. Suggestions for teachers: 1. Children should lead the curriculum with autism spectrum disord- ers. 2. The curriculum should enhance the cooperation between children VIII with autism spectrum disorders and their peers. This study has identified feasible intervention strategies to he- lp further improve the Macau government's special education policy. The study also aims to help schools to adapt their teaching cont- ents better to suit the needs of children with autism spectrum disord ers. Finally, the study aims to provide teachers with a better unders- tanding of the characteristics and social-emotional behaviors of ch- ildren with autism spectrum disorders to help each other practice education effectively. Only one child with autism spectrum disorder were studied in Mac- ao. As a result, this study failed to represent all children in Macao in practicing emotional interventions in improvisational drama. This study aimed to promote -improvisational comedy strategies in Macau to help children with aut-ism spectrum disorders to understand and expre ss their emotions appr-opriately. It is also expected that the Macau SAR government will re-cognize the importance of drama education for children with autism spectrum disorders and develop policies and ada- pt the content of the curriculum framework to enable the effective i- mplementation of drama education in teaching emotions to children wi- th autism spectrum disorders."
本文梳理聖多瑪斯去世至1323年列聖品之間,發生的圍繞其思想權威性的爭議與演變。在這近五十年中,多瑪斯思想的權威性在不斷的爭議與回應中逐漸形成,其中尤其針對他運用亞里士多德的哲學來闡釋天主啟示,及對貧窮勸諭的理解所衍生的論辯。作者指出,以道明會會士為 主的神學家致力於以多瑪斯思想為基點,回應各種反對多瑪斯思想的挑戰,過程中逐漸形成了具有統一性的多瑪斯學派,加以教會內各種歷史性因素,都促成了多瑪斯在1323年7月的亞維農被列入聖品。
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