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One of the six gaming concession holders in Macao, Macao Entertainment Corp (MEC)1, undertook to centralize three casino/entertainment properties through utilization of a centralized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in April 2010. The Supply Chain (SC) department was the first to apply the ERP in...
eoi/doi Deposit-Electronic Object Identifier A aldeia dos índios Potiguara não é somente um aglomerado de casas e pessoas. Trata-se de um espaço social muito mais complexo, somando ao habitat modelos de parentesco, cruzando práticas culturais e economicas, juntando aos humanos bichos e plantas, rotinas de trabalhos e “libertações” de lazeres. A aldeia Potiguara embora se apresente como singular, ela comunicava e continua a comunicar hoje com redes mais amplas de aldeias rurais e indígenas, gerando transformações culturais e sociais profundas. Embora as alterações marquem as mudanças nos habitos da aldeia Potiguara acredita-se que as práticas culturais que se estendem das festas ao turismo das suas aldeias são tão tradicionais como singulares.PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Aldeia indígena – Espaço social – Práticas culturais – TransformaçõesABSTRACT:The village of Potiguara Indians is not only a cluster of houses and people. This is a social space much more complex, adding to habitat kinship models, crossing cultural and economic practices, joining human animals and plants, work routines and "releases" of leisure.The Potiguara village despite presenting as singular, she communicated and continues to communicate today with wider networks of rural and indigenous villages, generating deep cultural and social transformations. Although the changes mark the changes in the habits of the village Potiguara is believed that cultural practices that extend parties to tourism from their villages are so traditional and unique.KEYWORDS: Indian Village - social area - Cultural practices - TransformationsRecebido: 31/08/2014 Aceito: 01/10/2014
Differences in parental expectations related to cultural background, gender and sibling position were investigated among Chinese college students in Macau. Three-hundred and forty-four Chinese college students completed a questionnaire which included measures of parental expectations and psychological distress, as well as information about their gender, cultural background (Mainland China or Macau) and sibling position. Participants born in mainland China reported significantly higher perceived parental expectations (PPE) compared with students from Macau. Contrary to predictions, there was no evidence of a difference in PPE in relation to gender or being the first-born sibling. These findings are discussed in terms of changes in family values and parental attitudes within Chinese society over the past few decades.
USJ Theses and Dissertations
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- Florence Lei (3)
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Faculty of Health Sciences
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- Vitor Santos Teixeira (7)
Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy
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- Chan Shek Kiu (4)
- David Gonçalves (17)
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- Raquel Vasconcelos (7)
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- Thomas Lei (2)
Macau Ricci Institute
- Stephen Rothlin (10)
School of Education
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