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Human resources are essential to the survival, success, and long-term growth of a company. Hotel is an industry requiring a high level of human resources for delivering high-quality personal service to the hotel guests to maintain its competitiveness in the business environment. With the rapid economic growth in Macao started in 2002, all the industries have been growing fast and competing fiercely for the limited manpower in Macao. However, the Macao hotel industry has been losing its attractiveness in the Macao labor market and needs to rely on non-local workers with a limited stay in Macao. The management team of the Macao hotel industry is looking for a solution to maintain a stable workforce. Therefore, a study has been conducted on the effectiveness of its employee retention strategies. A questionnaire was designed to collect the preferences of the employees and interviews were conducted to understand the perspective of the management team toward the employee retention strategies. The study shows the employee strategies are focused on key employees’ interests such as career development and prospect. However, the communication between the management team and employees failed and led to employee turnover.
There are many systematic reviews on predicting stock. However, each of them reveals a different portion of the hybrid AI analysis and stock prediction puzzle. The principal objective of this research was to systematically review and conclude the systematic reviews on AI and stock to provide particularly useful predictions for making future strategies for stock markets. Keywords that would fall under the broad headings of AI and stock prediction were looked up in two databases, Scopus and Web of Science. We screened 69 titles and read 43 systematic reviews which include more than 379 studies before retaining 10 of them.
The invention of neuroscience has benefited medical practitioners and businesses in improving their management and leadership. Neuromarketing, a field that combines neuroscience and marketing, helps businesses understand consumer behaviour and how they respond to advertising stimuli. This study aims to investigate the consumer purchase intention and preferences to improve the marketing management of the brand, based on neuroscientific tools such as emotional arousal using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensors, eye-tracking, and emotion analysis through facial expressions classification. The stimuli for the experiment are two advertisement videos from the Macau tea brand “Guanding Teahouse” followed by a survey. The experiment was conducted on 40 participants. 76.2% of participants that chose the same product in the first survey responded with the same choice of products in the second survey. The GSR peaks in video ad 1 measured a total of 60. On the other hand, video ad 2 counted a total of 55 GSR peaks. The emotions in ad1 and ad2 have similar responses, with an attention percentage of 76%. The results showed that ad1 has a higher engagement time of 11.1% and ad2 has 9.6%, but only 19 of the respondent’s conducted engagement in video ad1, and 31 showed engagement in video ad2. The results demonstrated that although ad 1 has higher engagement rates, the respondents are more attracted to video ad 2. Therefore, ad2 has better marketing power than ad 1. Overall, this study bridges the gap of no previous research on measuring tea brand advertisements with the neuroscientific method. The results provide valuable insights for marketers to develop better advertisements and marketing campaigns and understand consumer preferences by personalising and targeting advertisements based on consumers' emotional responses and behaviour of consumers' purchase intentions. Future research could explore advertisements targeting different demographics.
Human emotions can be associated with decision-making, and emotions can generate behaviors. Due to the fact that it could be biased and exhaustively complex to examine how human beings make choices, it is necessary to consider relevant groups of study, such as stock traders and non-traders in finance. This work aims to analyze the connection between emotions and the decision-making process of investors and non-investors submitted to the same set of stimuli to understand how emotional arousal might dictate the decision process. Neuroscience monitoring tools such as Real-Time Facial Expression Analysis (AFFDEX), Eye-Tracking, and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) were adopted to monitor the related experiments of this paper and its accompanying analysis process. Thirty-seven participants attended the study, 24 were classified as stock traders, and 13 were non-traders; the mean age for the groups was 35 and 25, respectively. The designed experiment initially disclosed a thought-provoking result between the two groups under the certainty and risk-seeking prospect theory; there were more risk-takers among non-investors at 75%, while investors were inclined toward certainty at 79.17%. The implication could be that the non-investing individuals were less complex in thought and therefore pursued higher returns besides a high probability of losing the game. In addition, the automatic emotion classification system indicates that when non-investors confronted a stock trending chart beyond their acquaintance or knowledge, they were psychologically exposed to fear, anger, sadness, and surprise. On the contrary, investors were detected with disgust, joy, contempt, engagement, sadness, and surprise, where sadness and surprise overlapped in both parties. Under time pressure conditions, 54.05% of investors or non-investors tend to make decisions after the peak(s) of emotional arousal. Variations were found in the deciding points of the slopes: 2.70% were decided right after the peak(s), 37.84% waited until the emotions turned stable, and 13.51% were determined as the emotional indicators started to slide downwards. Several combinations of emotional responses were associated with decisions. For example, negative emotions could induce passive decision-making, in this case, to sell the stock; nevertheless, it was also examined that as the slope slipped downwards to a particular horizontal point, the individuals became more optimistic and selected the "BUY" option. Future works may consider expanding the study to larger sample size, different demographic groups, and other biometrics for further analysis and conclusions.
Over the past several decades, the dichotomy between traditional and emerging donors has been based upon the notion that emerging donors (such as China) support authoritarian regimes and use foreign aid to pursue their economic interests at the expense of the poor in the recipient countries. Accordingly, Western donors, media, and scholars portray Chinese aid as non-poverty-focused. This study aims to review and analyze whether the dichotomy between traditional and emerging donors is still relevant in the current aid system and to propose a new and rigorous criterion for recategorizing donors. In terms of methodology, this study relies on secondary data, including scholarly works on traditional and emerging donors and foreign aid policy documents. Conclusions based on the research indicate that the divide between traditional donors and (re)emerging donors is becoming more ambiguous. The literature review indicates that the two donors’ aids had a mixed impact and that their approaches were similar. This paper highlights the importance of developing different recategorization criteria depending on the impact of aid.
This research aims to evaluate a Macau tea brand's social media advertising effectiveness with neuromarketing tools, including physiological monitoring that can measure emotional arousal. This research bridges the gap of social media marketing on Instagram for brands through the neuromarketing method. Data from 40 respondents were collected with iMotions software using neuroscientific tools. This research uses the stimuli of Guanding Teahouse, a newly established Macau tea brand, to evaluate social media advertising effectiveness. The neuroscientific tools – Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensors, Eye-tracking, Facial Expression Analysis (FEA) and emotion analysis are used to do the experiment. The data analysis was drawn from one representative respondent to measure the emotions and attention on the Instagram advertisements. Video 1 recorded 9 GSR peaks and Video 2 recorded 12 GSR peaks, both videos attention is ranging between 96-98 indexes. Results show that advertising videos should focus more on the products than the model. Moreover, the participant is more interested in Video 2, but the effectiveness of advertising is showing a lower focus on the brand and the tea. Future studies should consider comparing the video advertising effectiveness of Instagram stories and Instagram reels to prevent disruption of video on the stories ad.
Government service mini-programs have become an integral component of eGovernment in the Greater Bay Area, and successful eGovernment is necessary for building a smart city. Service quality and citizens' trust play a vital role in urban integration and in-depth cooperation in the Bay Area. The ubiquitous nature of mini-programs based on WeChat and Alipay provides excellent flexibility in accessing government services. Technology advantages, mutual recognition of cross-border data, and online transactions bring value and benefits to citizens. However, the mechanism of mini-program adoption has not been elaborated. Homogenization, conflict of regulations, and policy effectiveness are issues of great concern. This study employed Self-Determination Theory and Motivation Theory, proposed an empirical model based on the extended SOR paradigm, and aimed to identify the critical factors determining the intention of government service mini-program adoption from the user’s perspective. Six hundred and nine valid samples were collected from Macau, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen through online survey platforms. The findings suggested that service quality, trust in eGovernment, ubiquity, and social influence constituted the determinants of intention to adopt. Service quality and ubiquity were salient determinants, and a great extent of service quality and ubiquity could promote perceived value and intention. Citizens' trust in government service mini-programs was reasonable, where benevolence, integrity, and competence were crucial indicators of trust. Social influence amplified and transmitted risk perception while perceived risk significantly reduced intention. Perceived value positively associated with the four determinants and enhanced user intention; it acted as a mediator with high explanatory power in the model. Government support received positive ratings from citizens; it negatively regulated the relationship between intention and the determinants respectively, implying that excessive intervention from the government could lead to inhibition. Finally, we proposed relevant implications and suggestions for the GBA government agents and policymakers
COVID-19 is a respiratory disorder caused by CoronaVirus and SARS (SARS-CoV2). WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic in March 2020 and several nations’ healthcare systems were on the verge of collapsing. With that, became crucial to screen COVID-19-positive patients to maximize limited resources. NAATs and antigen tests are utilized to diagnose COVID-19 infections. NAATs reliably detect SARS-CoV-2 and seldom produce false-negative results. Because of its specificity and sensitivity, RT-PCR can be considered the gold standard for COVID-19 diagnosis. This test’s complex gear is pricey and time-consuming, using skilled specialists to collect throat or nasal mucus samples. These tests require laboratory facilities and a machine for detection and analysis. Deep learning networks have been used for feature extraction and classification of Chest CT-Scan images and as an innovative detection approach in clinical practice. Because of COVID-19 CT scans’ medical characteristics, the lesions are widely spread and display a range of local aspects. Using deep learning to diagnose directly is difficult. In COVID-19, a Transformer and Convolutional Neural Network module are presented to extract local and global information from CT images. This chapter explains transfer learning, considering VGG-16 network, in CT examinations and compares convolutional networks with Vision Transformers (ViT). Vit usage increased VGG-16 network F1-score to 0.94.
This chapter describes an AUTO-ML strategy to detect COVID on chest X-rays utilizing Transfer Learning feature extraction and the AutoML TPOT framework in order to identify lung illnesses (such as COVID or pneumonia). MobileNet is a lightweight network that uses depthwise separable convolution to deepen the network while decreasing parameters and computation. AutoML is a revolutionary concept of automated machine learning (AML) that automates the process of building an ML pipeline inside a constrained computing framework. The term “AutoML” can mean a number of different things depending on context. AutoML has risen to prominence in both the business world and the academic community thanks to the ever-increasing capabilities of modern computers. Python Optimised ML Pipeline (TPOT) is a Python-based ML tool that optimizes pipeline efficiency via genetic programming. We use TPOT builds models for extracted MobileNet network features from COVID-19 image data. The f1-score of 0.79 classifies Normal, Viral Pneumonia, and Lung Opacity.
Even with more than 12 billion vaccine doses administered globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused several global economic, social, environmental, and healthcare impacts. Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems can serve as a complementary method to aid doctors in identifying regions of interest in images and help detect diseases. In addition, these systems can help doctors analyze the status of the disease and check for their progress or regression. To analyze the viability of using CNNs for differentiating Covid-19 CT positive images from Covid-19 CT negative images, we used a dataset collected by Union Hospital (HUST-UH) and Liyuan Hospital (HUST-LH) and made available at the Kaggle platform. The main objective of this chapter is to present results from applying two state-of-the-art CNNs on a Covid-19 CT Scan images database to evaluate the possibility of differentiating images with imaging features associated with Covid-19 pneumonia from images with imaging features irrelevant to Covid-19 pneumonia. Two pre-trained neural networks, ResNet50 and MobileNet, were fine-tuned for the datasets under analysis. Both CNNs obtained promising results, with the ResNet50 network achieving a Precision of 0.97, a Recall of 0.96, an F1-score of 0.96, and 39 false negatives. The MobileNet classifier obtained a Precision of 0.94, a Recall of 0.94, an F1-score of 0.94, and a total of 20 false negatives.
This dissertation identifies factors driving consumer shopping behavior within the realm of live-streaming commerce, an area fast emerging in the e-commerce domain. Live-streaming shopping or commerce involves real-time interaction and entertainment with traditional online shopping, forming a unique endogenous environment where consumers can contact sellers or influencers directly. The study employed quantitative surveys that identified some of the main determining factors of consumer behavior within this context. The findings show that the significant factors in determining consumer behavior are trust and engagement, which are strongly influenced by the credibility and authenticity of the live streamer. Another significant finding is the role of social interaction and community building in providing consumers with a sense of belonging and validation, enhancing their confidence and purchase intention. Moreover, it highlights how marketing strategies of flash sales, limited-time offers, and partnerships with influencers make their way into the system to help invoke engagement and impulsive buying behavior among consumers. The implications of these findings extend to e-commerce platforms and marketers. Any improvements in features leading to trust, engagement, and interactivity within the community would drive higher customer satisfaction and sales. According to researchers, working partnerships with believable influencers and more extensive integrations of real-time marketing might further activate live-streaming commerce. This study thus fills a gap in the existing body of literature by detailing the drivers of consumer behavior toward live-stream commerce. It also identifies areas of future research on the current studies, including developing technologies and the cultural variances in the impact of live-stream commerce, including ethical considerations. These results are principle for guiding work on potential live-stream commerce in the digital age for anybody from workers to academicians
In the wave of digital transformation, Chinese banks have taken digital and scenario-based finance as primary strategic goals. The goal is to revolutionize the mobile banking experience and encourage frequent use of mobile banking services. However, assessing customer satisfaction with the various financial and contextual services mobile banking provides is crucial. The main objective of this study is to propose a model based on users' perception of financial usage in mobile banking scenarios and how the development of mobile banking finance and scenarios affects users' choice motivations. The study examined the interview records of 12 mobile banking users through qualitative in-depth interviews and utilized Nvivo qualitative analysis software to analyze the interview content. Through repeated thinking, sorting, and differentiating the data, nine core coding categories were formed. The coding was further refined and deepened to include Financial professionalism, Security, Marketing Stimulation, Innovative Products, Use Experience, Strong Relationship, Trust, Perceived usefulness, and Willingness to use. Based on these categories, a theoretical model of user willingness in the financial scenario of mobile banking has been proposed by referring to the optimized TAM model. The results may provide support to the banking industry in Macau in understanding customers' needs and fostering the positive development of mobile finance and the scene field in Macau
As the rate of change increases exponentially, organizations must adapt quickly to the business landscape's volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). As a result, organizations must implement agile strategies and practices to ensure their responsiveness and readiness to any changes brought about by internal or external factors. With a greater number of changes, change agents are tasked with implementing various change management methodologies to ensure that change recipients accept change initiatives. This research will look at one of the methodologies used by change agents, the use of nudges from Thaler and Sunstein's Nudge Theory, which is a subtle intervention to influence an individual's decision-making with the goal of steering them towards a specific desired outcome; and analyze their effectiveness towards the change recipients when implemented. Change agents were interviewed on the application of Nudge Theory to change recipients when managing to change initiatives within their respective organizations. The results indicate that the use of nudges created by the change agents can significantly impact the level of resistance from the change recipients. If used correctly, the Nudge Theory can mitigate change resistance, and the success of a change initiative is higher. But, if change recipients are forced to comply, their resistance will be greater, affecting the organization overall.
USJ Theses and Dissertations
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- Álvaro Barbosa (1)
Faculty of Business and Law
- Alexandre Lobo (82)
- Douty Diakite (1)
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- Ivan Arraut (3)
- Jenny Phillips (1)
- Sergio Gomes (2)
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