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  • With water being an essential for life on Earth, it is vital to preserve it and regenerate it, in order to be available for a myriad of uses. Though many types of wastewater management and treatment are available, most rely on high energy input and are therefore not ideal for many circumstances. Constructed wetlands (CW) are an alternative nature-based solution to be applied to wastewater treatment. This study undertakes a Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a CW as a means of wastewater treatment and aims to understand how these systems can be an environmentally conscious alternative. The CW under study is located in a rural mountain area in the north of Portugal. Receives wastewater from a tourism unit and operates with horizontal subsurface. The LCA analyses the CW through the construction, operation (treatment), and composting phases. This approach allows the entire scope of the life cycle to be included, of which, the composting phase has been absent in similar LCA previously undertaken. Analysis focuses on the impact categories: Ozone Layer Depletion Potential, Global Warming Potential, Acidification Potential, Eutrophication Potential and Human Toxicity Potential. Of the five categories, none increase during the treatment phase, and indeed, Acidification Potential, Eutrophication Potential, and Human Toxicity potential all decrease. Ozone Layer Depletion Potential and Global Warming Potential increase significantly during the construction and composting phases respectively. Both can be rationalized, with the former being a result of heavy diesel machinery use in construction and the latter a natural byproduct of composting. The results are net positive and display the ability for CW as a low energy wastewater treatment which can limit environmental impact by choice of construction and composting methodology

  • Environmental education (EE) has long been practiced worldwide, while Nature-based solutions (NBS) is a relatively new concept. This chapter aims to provide an overview of the EE and NBS practices in East Asia and evaluate how these two valuable applications can be used concurrently. East Asia has a well developed environmental education (EE) programs and activities, both in formal and informal education. These ranges from developing green schools and campuses to establishing policies and acts. While EE has been actively practiced for decades in the region, the adoption of NBS to address environmental and societal challenges is limited. The educational benefits and opportunities from NBS are also lacking. Although there are some projects that can be classified as NBS, like the use of wetlands for wastewater treatment, they are not clearly categorized as one. These projects are also not integrated into environmental education programs. Considering this, the region should develop innovative environmental education programs for schools, universities and communities, that integrate NBS projects. Integrating the two together will boost the effectiveness of environmental education in raising environmental awareness and changing the environmental attitude and behavior of people, which will also help address societal issues.

  • Mangrove forests are one of the most ecologically valuable ecosystems in the world and provide a wide variety of ecosystem services to coastal communities, including cities. Macao, a highly urbanized coastal city located on the southern coast of China west of the Pearl River, is home to several species of mangroves with many associated flora and fauna. Mangrove forests in Macao are vulnerable to threats due to pressure from rapid and massive urban developments in the area, which led to mangrove loss in the past decades. To address this issue, the local authorities established special Ecological Zones for the management of the local mangroves. To reinforce local conservation efforts, educating the local population about the value of mangroves, especially school students, is of utmost importance. To evaluate the impact of environmental education activities on the environmental orientation, knowledge, and values of students toward mangrove conservation in Macao, a quasi-experimental study was undertaken. The effectiveness of a mangroves exhibition and field visit were evaluated using the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) Scale—Macao version in a group of local school students who participated in the activities. Overall, the results provided consistently positive evaluations of the impact of the environmental education program. The strongest improvements were found in the students’ pro-environmental orientations, knowledge about mangroves, and value for environmental protection.

Last update from database: 9/27/24, 10:01 PM (UTC)